Propane Delivery And Storage 101 | A New Customer's Guide

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Propane Delivery And Storage 101 | A New Customer's Guide

22 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If you move into a home that relies on propane for heating and you have no experience, you may be tempted to just plug in a few electric heaters and skip filling the propane tank altogether just because you are unfamiliar. However, what most  inexperienced homeowners do not know is that propane is actually an incredibly efficient home heating source. In fact, even though less common than other heating fuels, there are still about 60 million people who rely on propane in the US. To get the best from your first experience with propane, it is best to know some of the answers to the most common questions when it comes to delivery and storage.

Is propane stored as a liquid or a gas?

Technically speaking, propane has a gaseous composure. However, when propane gas is placed under the right atmospheric conditions and pressure, it transforms into a liquid. This makes containing propane easy because all that is necessary is a pressurized tank on a homeowner's property. Further, containing the gas as a liquid means that delivery and handling the fuel is a lot easier than what it would be if it were in a gaseous form.

Do you actually own the propane tank on your property?

If you move into a location that already has a propane storage tank available, it is possible that the tank has already been purchased and paid for, which means it is yours to do with as you wish. However, if a new tank has to be delivered, it will normally be considered the property of the propane company, and it may even be removed in the event that you go to a different company for your fuel. Even though most propane companies have these "loaner tanks", many do require customers to purchase their own tank.

How will you be billed for propane delivery?

When you order propane to fill the tank you have on your property, you will usually be charged by the gallon, and most companies do require that you purchase a certain amount before the fuel can be delivered. In a lot of cases, it is actually cheaper to just purchase enough propane to fill your tank, as each delivery will involve fees and surcharges for the service.

Basically, propane delivery and storage usually turns out to be much less complex than inexperienced customers think. If you have further questions, talk to a representative from a company like Guier Gas for more information.